it was just before 8 a. m. on october
17, 2010. she'd checked the higher summits forecast
posted by the mount washington observatory before she left. based on her experience,
bales knew that her hike was realistic. besides, she had two plans and extra
layers of clothing to better regulate her temperature as conditions changed.
at 10:30 a. m. , the weather was
showing its teeth. bales added even more layers, including a jacket to
protect herself from the cold winds and heavy fog. she made her way across the
snow—covered ridge toward mount washington and began to think
about calling it a day. then she noticed something:a single set of footprints
in the snow ahead of her. she'd been following faint tracks all day
and hadn't given them much thought, because so many people climbed
jewell trail. but these, she realized, had been made by a pair of sneakers. she
silently scolded the absent hiker for breaking normal safety rules and walked
now she felt genuinely alarmed. she was
sure the hiker could not navigate(找到方向)in the low visibility and was heading
straight toward the challenging trails of the great gulf wilderness. bales
stood there, shocked. the temperature and clouds were in a race to find their
lowest point, and darkness was mere hours away. if bales continued to follow
the tracks. she'd add risk and time to the route she'd already adjusted to manage both. but
she could not let this go. she turned to the left and called out, "hello!"
into the frozen fog.
it was just before 8 a. m. on october
17, 2010. she'd checked the higher summits forecast
posted by the mount washington observatory before she left. based on her experience,
bales knew that her hike was realistic. besides, she had two plans and extra
layers of clothing to better regulate her temperature as conditions changed.
at 10:30 a. m. , the weather was
showing its teeth. bales added even more layers, including a jacket to
protect herself from the cold winds and heavy fog. she made her way across the
snow—covered ridge toward mount washington and began to think
about calling it a day. then she noticed something:a single set of footprints
in the snow ahead of her. she'd been following faint tracks all day
and hadn't given them much thought, because so many people climbed
jewell trail. but these, she realized, had been made by a pair of sneakers. she
silently scolded the absent hiker for breaking normal safety rules and walked
now she felt genuinely alarmed. she was
sure the hiker could not navigate(找到方向)in the low visibility and was heading
straight toward the challenging trails of the great gulf wilderness. bales
stood there, shocked. the temperature and clouds were in a race to find their
lowest point, and darkness was mere hours away. if bales continued to follow
the tracks. she'd add risk and time to the route she'd already adjusted to manage both. but
she could not let this go. she turned to the left and called out, "hello!"
into the frozen fog.